Sirona Dental Systems LLC, Charlotte, NC, is celebrating the 25-yearanniversary of its CEREC CAD/CAM system with a 3-day CAD/CAMextravaganza geared toward all dental and laboratory professionals.
The CEREC 25thAnniversary Celebration (C25) will take place August 26 through 28at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. Participants can earn up to 18 CEcredits at CAD/CAM-focused workshops. Programs include lessons inclinical techniques, practice management, marketing, and hygiene, aswell as hands-on workshops. Attendees can also explore the C25 exhibithall showcasing dental products and services.
Celebrity entertainment will include appearances by Olympic GoldMedalist Rulon Gardner, the Second City Comedy Troupe, and five-timeEmmy Award-winning comedian and actor Dennis Miller. Attendees are alsoinvited to celebrate at the "White Party" taking place at Pure Nightclubon Saturday night. An "Entertainment-Only Pass" is available forspouses or guests who choose to attend social events only.
If you register in June and pay full tuition, you will receive freeaccommodation at Caesars for the night of Thursday, August 26. If youbring along two staff members at the regular tuition rate, you will get athird staff member’s tuition for free.