Biolux Research Ltd, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, will present the results from its accelerated orthodontics research program at the International Association for Dental Research General Session, which takes place from July 14 to 17, 2010, in Barcelona, Spain.

??The findings will be presented by Alpdogan Kantarci, DDS, PhD, the study’s lead investigator and associate professor of periodontology and oral biology at Boston University’s Goldman School of Dental Medicine. Kantarci will co-chair a session titled "Biology of Tooth Movement," which will include his presentation "Photobiomodulation-Induced Orthodontic Tooth Movement." ??

The study examined the effects of noninvasive photobiomodulation on tooth movement in an animal model. During the presentation, Kantarci will discuss results focused on the effects of treatment on quantity of tooth movement, including tipping and bodily movement, as well as the quality of bone regeneration. The study did achieve significant acceleration of tooth movement. The treated sample moved three to five times faster than the control sample.

"The study results demonstrate the efficacy of photobiomodulation-facilitated orthodontic tooth movement at the biological level," Kantarci said. "The experimental model used in this study clearly shows that photobiomodulation increases the magnitude and rate of the tooth movement compared to the conventional technique in vivo. The findings are crucial for understanding the osteoclast-mediated bone turnover during the orthodontic tooth movement, which is significantly enhanced by the photobiomodulation."

Currently, the researchers are focusing on translating these findings to human clinical trials.