Palmero Healthcare, Stratford, Conn, a Hu-Friedy subsidiary, announced its latest green initiative, Palmero’s X-Ray Apron Recycling Program.
The company points out that the shielding properties of lead aprons wear down gradually. Proper maintenance includes either checking via fluoroscopy or replacing if they show any signs of damage.
According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, recycling lead aprons is the preferred method of disposal to keep the lead out of landfills.
As such, Palmero Healthcare’s X-Ray Apron Recycle/Trade-in Program will dispose of all materials responsibly. All lead liners will be properly distributed for processing back to base material.
In addition to the recycling program, the company is also offering a Trade-In Program for customers who purchase a new Palmero x-ray apron.
The company is offering a complimentary apron hanger to program participants.
Contact Palmero Healthcare Customer Service for information about the program requirements and procedures.