The AAO will hold its 112th Annual Session in Honolulu, from May 4 to 8, 2012.
The event will feature a number of speaker series, including apractice-management and leadership track. Topics discussed will includemarketing, adapting to change, practical-investment considerations,and stress management.
Scientific lectures will include sessions on advances inorthodontics, risk management, TADs, Class II and III treatment,surgical considerations, accelerating tooth movement, bone biology,facial aesthetics, sleep apnea, and imaging.
Staff lectures will cover topics from fabrication and adjustment ofclear aligners for the in-office orthodontic laboratory to how to stoplosing money on inventory.
The Excellence in Orthodontics Awards ceremony will feature anaddress by Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullengerger III, the pilot whosafely landed US Airways Flight 1549 on the Hudson River. The AnnualSession’s opening ceremony will feature music by The Doobie Brothers.
For those looking for additional educational opportunities, a 2-daypost-conference meeting offering eight CE credits will take place May 9 to10 at four locations in Hawaii.