Levin GroupInc, Owings Mills, MD, has introduced the Total Ortho Reference Set, acomprehensive collection of orthodontic practice management products.The set features four products:
• The book Building the $2 Million Ortho Practice byRoger P. Levin, DDS, CEO and president of Levin Group (pictured). The book focuseson how to increase efficiency and streamline operations, maximizeproduction and profitability, boost referrals from dentists andpatients, build a team, and create a low-stress environment;
• The book Management Scripts for the Orthodontic Practice,a series of scripts for office staff to help improve customer service;
• The book Effective Training Scripts for Ortho TreatmentCoordinators, which features scripts for orthodontic treatmentcoordinators and analysis on how to create the best experience for newpatients; and
• The CD Maximum Success for Orthodontists, withinformation on how to use referral-based marketing in the orthodonticpractice.
For more information on this and other orthodontic companies, visitour Buyer’s Guide.