Solutions by Design, Clovis, Calif, has released ScreenPlay 8.0.

The upgraded case-presentation software includes updates to theProtocol Management Center, which allows users to create, edit, andrearrange any protocol at any time. The latest version also offers theSoft Tissue Laser Series, with new appliances and the conversion of manyof the 2D animations to 3D, as well as the addition of audio tracks andcaption copy for every animation. Version 8.0 also features a Scrub Barto control presentations, a new search feature, and a new viewer forclinical presentations e-mailed to patients.

ScreenPlay 8.0 also launches ANDI (Application Network and DatabaseInterface), a content-management portal for the company’s technologyproducts that allows all users to manage content, download updates, payuser fees, and post comments for support online. A new “wizard” allowsScreenPlay Pro users to select and choose what content they want toinclude in their version of ScreenPlay Pro, allowing users to eliminateappliances that are not relevant to their practice.

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