The AAO is offering incentives to orthodontic teams and student members to register for the 2022 Annual Session in Miami Beach.

The American Association of Orthodontists is offering registration incentives for orthodontic teams, residents, and new graduates at the 2022 Annual Session.

Registrants for the 2022 Annual Session in multiple categories can access registration discounts and other incentives to attend the in-person meeting on May 21-24 in Miami Beach, Florida.

The early registration deadline to attend in person is April 30, 2022, and comes with a $150 discount for registering by that date.

The AAO offers a 20% discount on Annual Session registration when registering 4 or more staff as a group for the in-person meeting. The early registration discount also applies to team members. Orthodontic teams will also receive a $25 per person discount for AAO Orthodontic Staff Club members.

For student (resident) AAO members, registration for the in-person Annual Session is free through the early registration deadline.

The AAO Foundation has extended eligibility for the Dr. Fred A. Garrett Resident Education Program for the 2022 Annual Session to new orthodontists who were residents during the 2020 and 2021 meetings. Current residents are also eligible.

The Foundation’s one-time, $400 incentive helps cover travel costs to attend the Annual Session. It is available to any AAO active or student member with a graduation date after November 1, 2019, who has not previously received the resident gift and whose residency program is in the United States or Canada.

This year’s keynote speaker is resilience expert Michelle Gielan.

Gielan is a bestselling author and former anchor on CBS Morning News. She has spent the past decade researching the link between happiness and success and holds an advanced degree in Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania.

Gielan’s Annual Session address will clarify how effective and positive communication is the single biggest driver of success at work.

Her address will offer simple techniques for positive communication that drive individual and team success for quantifiable results. She will also discuss how to inoculate your brain against stress and negativity, praise effectively, get others to adopt a more resilient mindset, and shift the culture in a practice to create a talent-enhancing environment.

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