ClearCorrect™ Inc, Houston, will make its exhibitor debut at the upcoming AAO Annual Session in Washington, which takes place from May 1 to 4, 2010. In conjunction with its appearance, ClearCorrect will offer a special promotion to attendees who register at booth 2654 to become ClearCorrect providers.
Registrants will receive a $100 discount on ClearCorrect’s full-day, CE-accredited workshop. The workshop, normally priced at $995, will be offered for $895. In addition, all workshop attendees will receive 50% off one ClearCorrect case of their choice.
For newly registered ClearCorrect providers who are unable to attend the hands-on workshop, training webinars will be available. The regular webinar fee is $995, but will be reduced for AAO Annual Session attendees to $895. Webinar participants also will receive 50% off two ClearCorrect cases of their choice.
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