The AAO is providing attendees greater access as well as a bit of fun at the upcoming 2011 Annual Session in Chicago.
Prior to the May 13 to 17 Session, lecture handouts will be availableonline for attendees to download and print for lectures they plan toattend. The PDF documents will be available on the Annual Sessionhomepage on the AAO Web site.
The Annual Session also will feature online e-poster viewing. Theelectronic posters will be viewed via kiosks located in the doctors’lecture hall area. No hard copy poster boards will be displayed. Theelectronic posters will also be available after the conference on theAAO Web site.
In addition, the first-ever AAO orthodontic fashion show, "Choices,Challenges, and Changes in Orthodontic Fashion," will be held on Sunday,May 15. The event is free to all Annual Session attendees. A ticketedwine and cheese reception will be held before the fashion show.