Dentsply Raintree Essix Glenroe, York, Pa, is offering a course, titled “In Office Minor Tooth Movement: An Introductory Hands-On Training Seminar,” at various locations nationwide starting in August.
The course will teach the technique developed by Keith Hilliard, DMD,to achieve minor tooth movements using basic orthodontic principles,focusing on the most commonly seen minor anterior misalignments in adultpatients.
Attendees can learn how to use orthodontic pliers to program clearplastic aligners for use in case treatment, mid-course case corrections,or making case refinements. Clinicians and staff can also learn thesteps for treatment planning, techniques for measurement and creation ofspace within the arch, and aligner fabrication to achieve treatmentobjectives. The course also includes an overview of basic thermoformingtechniques that can also be used to make final retainers, bleachingtrays, and other appliances that are often outsourced to labs.
The course will be available in Atlantic City, NJ, on August 3;Atlanta on September 14; St Louis on September 28; Denver on October 5;Minneapolis on October 12; Cincinnati on October 26; Boston on November2; San Diego on November 9; San Francisco on November 16; and Sarasota,Fla, on December 14.
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