The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP), a community of clinicians, educators, policy makers, consultants, and industry representatives who advocate for the Safest Dental Visit™, has announced that registration is now open for its Dental Infection Control Boot Camp™ to be held January 9 to 11, 2017, at the Hyatt Regency in Atlanta.
The “basic training” program will cover core infection prevention and safety fundamentals for dental practitioners, and offer up to 24 continuing education (CE) hours. Space is limited. A special early bird registration discount is available until October 31, 2016.
The OSAP Boot Camp curriculum will be presented by national and international experts in infection prevention and safety. Attendees receive a resource binder, checklists, and tools.
According to the organization, while anyone involved with infection control in dentistry would benefit from the course, Boot Camp is targeted to dental personnel seeking a strong foundation in infection control, infection control coordinators, educators, compliance officers, federal service employees with infection control responsibilities, federally qualified health center personnel, consultants, and sales representatives.