For the first time ever, the Southeastern Conference of Dental Laboratories is offering a course specific to orthodontics. Arlen Hurt, CDT, vice president of Specialty Appliances, will teach a seminar called "Invisible Repositioning Appliances" that is designed for both orthodontists and orthodontic technicians. The seminar will be held at the Renaissance-Waverly Hotel in Atlanta on Saturday, April 12.
This course is designed to teach experienced laboratory technicians the basics of fabricating clear aligners aimed at improving minor anterior discrepancies. The appliances are typically fabricated in a series of two or three to gradually move the teeth to their ideal alignment. The participants will learn how to reposition the teeth on a master set-up model and then how to form and finish the aligners.
For more information, please contact Wanda Hincher at (336) 835-9251.