This fall, Forestadentwill be hosting two events in Paris: the third FORESTADENT Symposiumand the first International 2D® Lingual User Meeting.
Users of the 2D Lingual bracket system will have a chance to sharetheirexperiences at the 2D Lingual User Meeting on September 23.Speakers atthe meeting will include Vittorio Cacciafesta, DDS, MSc,PhD, and ElieAmm, DCD, DES.
"The Aesthetic Smile" will be the main topic of the third FORESTADENTSymposium, which will take place on September 24 and 25.
In his talk "Much Ado About Facial Esthetics—Extractions, Expansion,and Early Treatment Controversies," Jay Bowman, DMD, MSD, (pictured)will put the aesthetic significance of extraction and nonextractionstrategies forward for discussion. In the discussion he will attempt topresent evidence-based recommendations on this often controversialsubject.
Adriano G. Crismani, DDS, will explain to what extent opening gapsduring orthodontic treatment of missing teeth in adolescence andinterdisciplinary treatment provides an optimal solution for along-lasting perfect smile.
The venue for both events will be "Les Salons de la Maison des Arts& MÉtiers" between the Arc de Triumph and the Eiffel Tower in thecenter of Paris. The social program will include a dinner cruise on theSeine, a disco party, and a golf tournament.