Whip Mix,Louisville, KY, will be hosting a number of free webinars in the comingmonths. All of the webinars are NBC-approved for 1 CE credit. Offeringsinclude the following:
- Lean Problem Solving: Led by Brian Knopf, this webinar willfocus on the use of the “Plan, Do, Check, Act” (PDCA) process to helpusers effectively manage their practices. This session will take placeon June 19, 2012.
- How to Mount Cases to a Semi-Adjustable Articulator Using a FaceBow Record: Led by Craig Pickett, CDT, RG, this session will discussthe importance of Face Bow records, the two different types of mounting,and the step-by-step procedure to create a successful mounting usingeach step. This session will take place on August 28, 2012.
- Reducing Remakes by Evaluating Impressions Prior to Pouring:Led by Pickett, this session will look at common impression errors thatcan be corrected by the clinician. This session takes place September18, 2012.
- Articulators/Access: How to Determine Which Articulator to Use:Led by Jim Robinson, CDT, this webinar will discuss the purpose of thearticulator, the importance of using an articulator, how to select one,and when to consider using accessories with the articulator. The webinarwill be available on November 13, 2012.
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