Every orthodontic practice deals with lighter mornings and heavier afternoons. We know the reason: Most parents prefer their children not to miss school and therefore want to come in the afternoon. Many orthodontic practices have lost countless hours of potential treatment by enduring empty time slots each morning. So what’s the solution?

Implement "10% Rules."

To encourage more morning appointments, ortho practices can offer 10% courtesies in the following situations:

1) For siblings having orthodontic care at exactly the same time. This simultaneous care increases the number of patients undergoing treatment, which means the possibility of more morning appointments being scheduled. The patients should understand that they will be expected to alternate morning and afternoon appointments out of consideration for other patients—especially if more than one child is in treatment.

2) When a parent has orthodontic care with a child. It is worth noting how many parents are willing to pay for orthodontic care for their children, but ignore their own situation. With careful scripting, parents often accept care along with their child. You can offer them a 10% courtesy, but clearly explain that they will need to alternate morning and afternoon appointments.

3) When a patient/parent agrees to always schedule in the morning. This should not be offered to everyone. Instead, your determination should be based on a series of mathematical calculations once a new Power Cell Schedule™ has been established. Once this new schedule is in place, you can easily determine how many appointments need to be filled in for each morning.

Roger P. Levin, DDS

Orthodontic Products’ readers are entitled to receive a 20% courtesy on the Total Ortho Success Seminar scheduled for June 17 to 18 in Las Vegas. To receive this courtesy, call (8880 973-0000 and mention "Ortho Products" or e-mail [email protected] with "Ortho Products" in the subject line.