Roncone Orthodontics International™, Vista, Calif, has announced that the last JSOP course being offered in the United States in 2009 will begin on November 4. The JSOP course is 12 days divided into three, 4-day sessions, with enrollment limited to 15 orthodontists.
The JSOP (Just Short of Perfect) management and mechanics course teaches orthodontists how to run their practice with greater efficiency and with less stress, according to the company. "Now more than ever it’s important to run your orthodontic practice like a business.” said Ron Roncone, DDS, chief executive officer of Roncone Orthodontics International. "Not only do we teach you how to do this, but we also give you the tools necessary to help you achieve this in your practice.”
The JSOP course represents the system of orthodontic practice-management metrics developed by Roncone during his more than 30 years of practice, lecture, and consulting experience. According to Roncone, most practices increase their revenue by 50% within 3 years of taking the course.
Contact Brenda Ashwell at (800) 758-5836 to register or to get additional information. For more information on this and other courses, visit our Buyer’s Guide.