LOS ANGELES — Ascend Media’s The Hearing Review, the hearing industry’s leading trade magazine and publisher of The Insider, and Hearing Products Report, the industry’s only tabloid-sized product magazine, have pooled their resources to create a new, combined Web site called The Hearing Industry Resource (HIR). The new Web site “went live” yesterday (March 26) and features everything that the former HR and HPR Web sites offered, but also adds the capabilities of video clips, blogs, newsletter archives, and special editions such as this month’s AudiologyNOW! Walking Guide.
The new site also features more hearing-related articles, news, and reports placed into distinct sections that include:
- News and Events
- Hearing Aids
- Hearing Testing
- Business & Marketing
- Patient Care
- Pediatrics & Implants
- ALDs, Phones & Wireless Devices
- Batteries, Earmolds & Accessories
- Archives
The Web site’s URL is www.hr-hpr.com, but it can also be accessed using either www.hearingreview.com or www.hearingproductsreport.com. Although the site went online yesterday, it is anticipated that many more features and unique content will be added to its offerings in the next several weeks and months. Currently, the HR Web site draws, on average, about 19,000 unique visitors per month, and about 800-1300 hearing care professionals access the site every weekday, including many international readers.