Pulpdent Corp, Watertown, Mass, sponsored Oral Health America’s “National Sealant Alliance” and “Smiles Across America” program by distributing 60,000 sealants to public health programs that provide preventive services for underserved children.
Last year, Oral Health America announced that Pulpdent would donate 60,000 Embrace® WetBond™ Pit and Fissure Sealants in honor of the company’s 60th anniversary.
“It’s wonderful to be able to provide public health clinics with a product that has better retention and is easier to use,” says Fred Berk, vice president at Pulpdent. “This program has allowed thousands of underserved children to look forward to a lifetime of better oral health.”
In addition to the sealants, Pulpdent donated Etch-Rite™ dental etching gel, Flecta™ disposable mirrors, posters, educational leaflets, and “Embracelets,” which are colorful bracelets that invite children to embrace oral health.
[Pulpdent Corp, February 27, 2008]