Miniscrew implants demonstrated an 87.7% success rate when used for anchorage reinforcement, according to a recent study conducted by Greek researchers. The findings appear in the Journal of Dental Research.

For the study, the researchers conducted literature searches withspecific inclusion and exclusion criteria. Of the 3,183 original papers,eight met the inclusion criteria.

The researchers found that when miniscrew implants and conventionalanchorage groups were compared, the miniscrew implants significantlydecreased or even negated loss of anchorage, with a mean difference of2.4 mm (p=0).

They also noted that anchorage loss occurred less frequently when theminiscrew implants were placed between the second premolar and the firstmolar; when the patient had two miniscrew implants inserted in his orher jaw; when they were connected directly; and when the treatmentextended beyond 12 months.

Due to the number, quality, and heterogeneity of the included studies,however, the researchers warn that their findings should be interpretedwith caution.