The president of Homoly Communications shares how to use storyselling to persuade prospective patients.

Paul Homoly, CSP, president of Homoly Communications, will sit down with OrthoThrive host Richie Guerzon to discuss the importance of “storyselling” and how to use it in marketing to acquire new patients. The episode is available on-demand now at

OrthoThrive host Richie Guerzon

Homoly practiced reconstructive dentistry for over 20 years and is now president of Homoly Communications, which teaches leadership communications and improving treatment acceptance. He holds the highest earned designation in professional speaking from the National Speakers Association—Certified Speaking Professional (CSP)—held by fewer than 15% of professional speakers and was the first dental provider to ever receive the honor. 

The episode will feature Jake Gulick, president of Greyfinch, an orthodontic practice management software company. Gulick will demonstrate the Greyfinch management software and share insight on how to improve practice operations.

No fee or registration is required to view the OrthoThrive series. New episodes will continue to be posted each Wednesday at 12 noon EST at