Summary: Henry Schein launched its 27th annual Back to School program, providing school supplies and dental kits to 5,300 students across multiple countries. The program reflects Henry Schein’s commitment to supporting underserved children through volunteer efforts by Team Schein Members.

Key Takeaways:

  • Program Overview: Henry Schein’s Back to School program, now in its 27th year, helps 5,300 students with school supplies and dental kits across the US, Canada, UK, and Ireland, with more events planned in Italy and Spain.
  • Global Impact: Since 1998, the program has expanded globally, benefiting over 65,000 children, with volunteers packing backpacks and organizing events to support educational equity.

For the 27th consecutive year, Henry Schein, Inc initiated its Back to School program, helping students worldwide start the academic year off with school supplies and dental kits. Team Schein Members (TSMs) at 40 locations in the US, Canada, UK, and Ireland are helping 5,300 students gain confidence and excitement for the school year, with more events planned later this year in Italy and Spain.

Program History and Expansion

First introduced in 1998, the Back to School program aims to reflect Henry Schein’s commitment to communities by empowering TSMs with volunteer opportunities to support underserved children in partnership with local not-for-profit social service organizations. Team Schein Members come together to give back, packing backpacks filled with school supplies and dental kits that prepare children with essentials for the upcoming school year. Since its inception, the program has expanded globally, serving more than 65,000 children across various sites where Henry Schein operates.

Melville Event Highlights

On August 7, Henry Schein hosted its Back to School event at the company’s worldwide headquarters in Melville, NY. Approximately 400 pre-identified children and their families received their packed backpacks along with a gift card to purchase first day-of-school outfits. The event included a BBQ, crafts, games, and other activities for all family members to enjoy. To reinforce the importance of education, the event featured a STEM presentation and a tent with a variety of free books donated by TSMs and KPMG LLP through its Family for Literacy program and its partnership with the nonprofit social enterprise, First Book. This fun-filled evening was one of the many “Back to School” events held around the world this season.

“Team Schein remains dedicated to ensuring children start the school year with confidence and excitement,” said Stanley M. Bergman, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Henry Schein. “By empowering these young minds with essential tools and resources, we are helping to nurture a brighter future for our communities. At Henry Schein, we are honored to continue supporting educational equity and inspiring children to reach their full potential.”

Local Partnerships and Impact

For the Melville Back to School event, Henry Schein partnered with 10 Long Island-based social service organizations to pre-identify participating children and their families: Bethany House; Espoir Youth Program, Inc.; Family and Children’s Association; Hispanic Counseling Center; Iovino South Shore Family Center (Family Service League); SCO Madonna Heights; Social Service Volunteers of Nassau; The Raymar Children’s Association; WellLife Network; and YES Community Counseling Center.

“We are grateful to Henry Schein for their dedication to the children and families we serve and for our continued partnership on the Back to School initiative,” said Suzette Gordon, president and CEO of SCO Family of Services. “This remarkable act of generosity prepares students for the school year and empowers children to achieve academic success. The backpacks represent so much more than school supplies – they instill hope, pride, and confidence in our students and their families. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Team Schein for their continued support of SCO Family of Services.”