OrthoBanc LLC, Chattanooga, Tenn, has been selected to be on Inc 5000’s list of Fastest Growing Companies for the fifth year in a row. The Inc 5000 list represents the most comprehensive look at the most important segment of the economy—America’s independent entrepreneurs. OrthoBanc joins LivingSocial, Edible Arrangements, CDW, and Lifelock, among other prominent brands featured on this year’s list.
OrthoBanc provides payment management for thousands of orthodontists nationwide via monthly checking account or credit card drafting. OrthoBanc also handles all follow up with the responsible party regarding failed payments, expired credit cards, etc.
OrthoBanc originally began serving the orthodontic industry in 2001 and started with only three part-time employees.
“I remember those first few years. We would set goals like ‘Sign up 50 new orthodontic clients’ or ‘Set up 100 responsible party billing accounts in one month.’ We have celebrated the small successes over the years, and they have added up. We are really excited that all the hard work has paid off,” said Marla Merritt, director of sales and marketing for OrthoBanc LLC.
OrthoBanc is currently collecting more than $600 million in patient payments, with more than 2.1 billion collected to date. It currently employs a total of 47 full-time employees, with 43 of those being from metro areas of Tennessee and North Georgia.
OrthoBanc also owns DentalBanc and PaymentBanc. DentalBanc provides payment management for dentists in the same way that OrthoBanc does for orthodontists. PaymentBanc is set up to handle any other industry that needs outsourced management of monthly, recurring payments—and is primarily serving the veterinary industry at this time.
For more information about this and other orthodontic companies, visit our Market Guide.