
The 2006 Dental Market Data Disc is now available from The Anaheim Group, publishers of Dentalfax® Weekly.

The Dental Market Data Disc is a comprehensive source for those working or investing in the dental marketplace. It includes 5 years of Dental Industry Reviews (2001–2005), 4 years of Dental Industry Metrics Reports (2002, 2004, 2005, and 2006), and DentalFax Monthly issues for 2003, 2004, 2005, and January through August of 2006. 

The disc makes it easy to research companies, products, patents, trends, 510(k)s, financial data, lawsuits, acquisitions, acquisition data, and implant market shares. To locate information of interest, the user can simply do a ‘find’ search in Word®. 

The Dental Market Data Disc is available for $375. The company is currently offering a three-disc World Dental Patents Disc Set containing all of the 740 worldwide dental patents issued in 2005 at a special price when purchased with the Dental Market Data Disc. This patent library is in Word format and contains more than 13,400 pages of claims, drawings, and diagrams. All patents are listed in a searchable Word document, eliminating the need to scroll through thousands of pages of data to find patent topics of interest. When purchased with the Dental Market Data Disc, the patent disc set is $125.

To order, call (714) 543-8007; fax (714) 547-5125 or (714) 547-6257; or email [email protected].

[www.sakaduskimarketing.com, September 21, 2006]