The American Dental Association (ADA) has released A Dentist’s Guide to the Law: 228 Things Every Dentist Should Know. Written by the ADA Legal Division, this guide offers concise explanations of common legal issues in the dental practice. The publication is available in print and e-book formats.
A Dentist’s Guide to the Law is based on questions received by the ADA Legal Division over the years from ADA member dentists. Topics include patient dismissals, managing online reviews, marketing, the Americans with Disability Act, hiring and terminating employees, and dealing with service animals.
“A Dentist’s Guide to the Law is the best source of practical legal and risk management information for dentists that I have ever seen, said David J. Owsiany, executive director of the Ohio Dental Association. “Every dental office should have a copy.”
Most topics are addressed in one-page summaries to make finding information quick and easy for busy dental professionals. The publication is designed to provide more detailed information to save readers a phone call to their attorney and better help them understand specific legal concerns that affect their daily practice lives.