The Colorado Orthodontic Foundation (COF), Denver, will hold its 3rd Annual “Give Kids a Smile” orthodontic screening day on February 3, 2012, to evaluate children in need in the Denver metro area for orthodontic treatment. The goal of the Give Kids a Smile screening day is to screen more than 50 new patients and sign them up for orthodontic services to be treated over the next 2 years.

The COF has partnered with local orthodontists Cassy Wiggins, DMD, of Summit Orthodontics, and Anil Idiculla, DMD, of Park Meadows and Metropolitan Orthodontics to screen the children on that day. The event has received support from the American Dental Association and is sponsored by Colgate, which has donated dental kits for the screenings.

In addition, Idiculla and his staff will be hosting a VIP fundraiser, titled “Friday Night Bites,” that night at Snooze A.M. Eatery, located in Denver, to celebrate the day and raise awareness of the COF’s efforts.