Longfellah International, Roseville, Calif, is now distributing a cryoanesthesia pain-management device called gumEase. gumEase was approved by the FDA in November 2007, and by all the countries in the European Economic Community in April 2007.
"It has been more than 100 years since Novocain was first introduced for local anesthesia in dentistry," said Mikel O’Riordan, CEO of Longfellah International. "Since then, the dental industry has improved injectable pain medications, but up until the introduction of gumEase, no drug-free, pain-free alternative has been available."
gumEase is effective for fillings, extractions, crowns, root canals, cleaning, braces adjustment, and other procedures.
According to the company, gumEase is the first cryoanesthetic dental mouthpiece for the US dental industry. Used as a stand-alone or in conjunction with conventional anesthesia, gumEase provides pain relief without the side effects or complications of drugs. It’s designed for clinicians plagued with patient "needlephobia" or the complex issues of hypodermic delivery.
The latex-free, disposable device is filled with a saline solution and frozen in a medical-grade freezer. It is then inserted onto the upper and lower sulci. gumEase cools the maxillofacial nerves in all four quadrants of the mouth, resulting in the denial of pain being transmitted to the brain—which means the patient feels no pain. The gumEase device is positioned well above and below the teeth and gum line, so sensitivity to cold is not an issue. The effect lasts for up to 20 minutes. gumEase can also be used to reduce postoperative pain.
For more information, contact gumEase.