Great Lakes Orthodontics introduces the Odyssey 2.4G Diode Laser, which is specifically designed for soft-tissue applications and preventive care.
Manufactured by Ivoclar Vivadent, the Odyssey 2.4G is engineered with a 810 ± 20nm wavelength and 5 watts of power. It features a wireless foot pedal, three customized, programmable settings, a retractable optical fiber, and aiming beam control. Laser output can be delivered in continuous or pulse wave modes for smooth and clean tissue modification.
According to the company, the Odyssey 2.4G offers a significant return on investment by increasing productivity through more efficient technology. Tissue sculpting with the 2.4G allows optimal bracket placement. The diode laser efficiently exposes the surface of unerupted or partially erupted target teeth to facilitate early bracket placement, reducing orthodontic treatment time. It is also effective for correcting gingival hyperplasia.
For more information, visit www.greatlakesortho.com.
[Great Lakes Orthodontics, September 20, 2008]