LED Dental Inc, Vancouver, British Columbia, and its VELscope Oral Cancer Screening System were recently honored by Reality Publishing with its “Most Unique FirstLook Product 2007” award.
“We are gratified to have VELscope honored by an organization that is so respected for its commitment to both protecting patients and serving the dental profession,” said Steven Semmelmayer, CEO and president of LED Dental Inc and its parent, LED Medical Diagnostics Inc. “Reality Publishing is well known for its rigorous product evaluations, and for VELscope to be singled out from among so many other highly innovative products is great praise indeed.”
According to Semmelmayer, VELscope’s innovations were developed with the needs of both the patient and the dental practice in mind. The VELscope exam, which is to be performed adjunctively with a conventional white-light exam, takes only 1 or 2 minutes; is affordable for the patient and profitable for the practice; and is completely free of pain, stains, and distasteful rinses.
The Reality award comes less than 2 months after VELscope received expanded clearance from the FDA for its ability to help detect lesions—including precancerous and cancerous growths—that may not be visible under traditional white-light examinations and its ability to help surgeons ensure that all targeted diseased tissue is successfully removed when excising cancerous lesions.
“One American dies of oral cancer every hour of every day. This alarmingly high mortality rate is largely the result of the late stage at which the disease is typically detected,” Semmelmayer said. “Fortunately, the 5-year survival rate for oral cancer can be 80% or higher with early detection. It is our sincere hope that this prestigious award will further stimulate awareness of the growing incidence of oral cancer, and of the need for annual oral cancer screenings for all patients over the age of 18.”
The award was presented by Michael Miller, DDS, president of Reality Publishing, to Steven Wick, Western regional sales manager for LED Dental.
For more information, visit www.VELscope.com.