AccepTx Software LLC, Bountiful, Utah, an orthodontics financial services software company, has entered into an agreement with iTransact Inc to provide customized merchant services to AccepTx clients.
"We believe that most orthodontists are overpaying for credit card processing," said AccepTx president and CEO Brett Blake. "If our pilot clients are representative, iTransact should deliver 10% to 25% savings, allowing doctors to keep $2K and in some cases more than $12K of their revenues. This agreement is the first of many partnerships we are working on that will allow AccepTx clients to make more money without working more hours."
"iTransact has made it easy for professionals to find out how much money they can save," said iTransact President and CEO Mike Sumsion. "Orthodontists or financial coordinators can simply visit [removed][/removed], download a one-page questionnaire, and send us a recent merchant statement. Our professionals will respond within 72 hours with a SureSave Analysis, showing the savings available through the negotiated contract we have signed with AccepTx."
AccepTx is an orthodontic case-acceptance software. The software complements most practice-management systems, enabling orthodontic staff to populate customizable, prebuilt reports during the initial exam process, ensuring that patients are charged fairly and the practice is compensated properly.
"Informal evaluations show that the average practice loses 10% of net income per year from improperly calculated fee schedules," said Jed Feller, DDS, MSD, a practicing orthodontist and founder of AccepTx. "With AccepTx, you can eliminate those fee calculation losses, resulting in an extra $15,000 to $75,000 a year in net income."