The August 17 webinar will offer advice to practices that want to use teledentistry in conjunction with clinically appropriate in-person appointments to maintain a full schedule.
Henry Schein is offering a webinar of dental professionals who want to maximize their clinical schedule with teledentistry.
The webinar will be held August 17 at 6:00 pm ET.
Dr Nathan Suter, a practicing general dentist and owner of Access Teledentistry, will review the ways telehealth can support practices that are taking a hybrid approach since reopening—seeing patients in-person when clinically appropriate, but preserving PPE, reducing disinfection and wait times between patients, and keeping a full schedule while practicing social distancing by using teledentistry where they can.
Suter will discuss how practices can use telehealth appointments to ask patients to submit pictures and a questionnaire for review before an appointment; ramp up hygiene and catch up on backlogged recalls; conduct consult conversations between the doctor or treatment plan coordinator and patient; and facilitate a referral for consult from a specialist.