The competition has heated up in the ortho market in the past several years. Today, treatment coordinators (TCs) are under tremendous pressure to persuade parents and adult patients to accept treatment then and there in the consult room—rather than continuing to shop around.
It’s a tough job—one that demands a rare combination of interpersonal skills, psychological insight, orthodontic knowledge, and adaptability. The very best TCs never stop learning and refining their approach to presentations, but at the heart of their success you’ll find these six fundamental techniques:
1. Doing the Homework: Great TCs never walk into a consult room unprepared. They’ve helped script the front desk coordinator and others to gather vital facts about the prospective patients and parents… not just the typical intake information but also interesting personal details. They’ve also mastered their own scripting so that, whichever way the conversation turns, they’ll be prepared to say the right thing.
2. Making Strong Personal Connections: Armed with useful facts and a positive, friendly manner, outstanding TCs quickly establish rapport. They find common interests, display true interest in making patients’ lives better, earn trust (which they’ll soon transfer to the orthodontist), and generally make patients and parents feel welcome and comfortable at the practice. All in just minutes!
3. Affirming Practice Value and Benefits of Treatment: With carefully chosen comments about the doctor’s credentials and popularity with patients, the staff’s way with young people, and the fun atmosphere, TCs build value for the practice. And, rather than discussing orthodontics in clinical terms, they repeatedly call up the image of a beautiful smile and other benefits of orthodontics.
4. Overcoming Financial Barriers: The cost of treatment gives pause to many parents and adult patients. By demonstrating that this excellent investment is also very affordable—thanks to the payment options offered—TCs can clear the way to acceptance.
5. Following Up: These days, many cases are impossible to close in one consult. Successful TCs don’t give up; they follow up, giving patients and parents more opportunities and reasons to say “Yes.”
6. Learning from Failure: The best TCs close 90% of their cases—which leaves that 10%. Rather than getting depressed or angry, they find out why treatment was rejected and learn from it.
Any TC who learns how to use these basic techniques will be well on her way to helping her practice grow exponentially. OP
For much more about how your treatment coordinator can help grow your practice, read Dr Levin’s free white paper, “The Post-Recession Ortho Treatment Coordinator.” Click here and enter the code OPFREE at checkout.