By Alena Pacheco
Some of the best marketing ideas are the ones that help your community and give back to your patients. Here are a few examples to get you started:
• Donate your parking lot for the Girl Scout Troop’s next blood drive. Sweeten the deal by providing the treats for donors. The girls will earn a badge, and you will have earned their trust.
• Feature a local women’s shelter at your next flu shot party. Make it a supply drive, and everyone will get a “boost” that day!
• Adopt a classroom. Donate supplies, healthy snacks, and toothbrushes, too! You’ll give a teacher something to smile about.
• Invite home school groups to your office for a Fun Friday Field Trip. They’ll get introduced to orthodontics, and you’ll get introduced to a great group of families.
• After Halloween, partner with local 4H clubs on a candy exchange for Smiles Changes Lives. The 4Hers will get community service credit, and you’ll get credited with helping them make a difference. Sweet!
Ideas provided courtesy of Women in Orthodontics. Visit for more!