Hu-Friedy, Chicago, released a new ebook designed to provide dental professionals with practical and actionable advice on improving practice efficiency, creating high-performing dental teams, and establishing a safe and contemporary approach to infection prevention. The ebook, titled Practice Efficiency Playbook, focuses on highlighting behind-the-scenes moves dental practices can make to drive incremental gains in overall productivity.
The ebook gathers together the point-of-view of 15 dental industry experts representing a wide range of roles, including dentists, orthodontists, oral surgeons, dental assistants, dental hygienists, dental office managers, and consultants.
Each section of the Practice Efficiency Playbook focuses on a specific topic like patient engagement, dental team alignment, business process, technology, and clinical workflow optimization. The experts cited in the book offer tips and recommendations on how to practically implement changes that can add real value. Each section features a summary with a list of “plays” the dental professionals can “run” based on the ideas offered by the 15 industry experts.
The ebook is available for free download on the Hu-Friedy website.