With Craig E. Scholz, PhD
Craig E. Scholz, PhD, is the director of emerging technology at Ortho2.
Orthodontic Products: What’s new with Ortho2?
Craig E. Scholz, PhD: I think we have just been through the busiest development period in our company’s history, and the pace isn’t slowing down. We recently released version 9 of our ViewPoint practice-management program (which just celebrated its 14th year on the market) and version 2 of our cloud-based Edge system. We’re already starting to compile new features that are primarily suggested by our users of ViewPoint version 10 and continue to add to new modules and integrations to Edge. We’ve also expanded quite a bit more into advanced imaging and mobile applications for our products. Ortho2 hosts a “Cutting Edge” webinar series, and we have started a mentoring program for new grads. We feel extremely fortunate to have such a large base of customers to provide us with plenty of great new ideas, and we are working harder than ever to keep up!
OP: What’s different about version 2 of Edge?
CS: Edge has a completely new look and feel with its redesigned graphical user interface (GUI). The imaging module was completely rewritten and allows for seamless integrations with most digital x-ray machines. The entire system is much more intuitive and is almost completely customizable by the user. For example, each staff member can set up his or her home page to include mini data screens or “widgets” from different aspects of the program. Instead of viewing the same static screen, everyone in the office can view exactly what is relevant for them. Edge can work on multiple monitors and servers, so it is optimized for both viewing and processing data. Orthodontists with multiple offices will immediately see a huge benefit with Edge’s ability to utilize the cloud. Edge also utilizes “workflows,” which can automate routine tasks in the office and can be customized for each office’s particular needs.
Ortho2 recently released version 9.
When we designed Edge, we wanted to take full advantage of the Internet’s ASP data hosting model without forcing it on everyone. Thus, Edge can be hosted, which we recommend as it eliminates the need for servers, in-office backups, and a considerable amount of IT maintenance. But it can also run in-office, and either way it can provide secure, real-time data access for your office, including patients, parents, and consulting professionals. Another goal in our programs is to maximize the benefits of functions that other systems either don’t offer, or provide through limited third-party integrations. Among others, these include imaging; 3D animations for patient education and case presentation; patient reminders via phone, e-mail, or text; patient and doctor access through our Web portal; and employee-management features.
Our customers have been telling us for years that they want complete yet secure access to their data, whether this is via their local network, smartphone, or the Web. With Edge we can truly give it to them. The transition to the Web also decreases IT issues considerably. Many orthodontists have expressed to us their frustration at having to become IT experts in their practices. The hosted version of Edge can run on simple computers and does not require an in-office server or all the associated server software and licensing. Delivery of new features and updates is extremely easy in the cloud as we can update the server once and the changes are immediately published for our users. We are really glad we made the choice to host Edge on a private cloud to minimize any risk associated with the public cloud.
OP: What new products are on the horizon?
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CS: Our imaging, patient reminder, and 3D animations modules are being released with new, advanced features. In the fall, we will be releasing our portal for Edge, which is a very powerful suite of tools that will allow for patient, doctor, in-office, and remote access of your Edge system. Since the portal accesses data from the hosted server just as computers in the office, all the information is delivered in real time and is iPad-, tablet-, and smartphone-friendly. We also just announced an exclusive bidirectional integration with Demand Force, an Internet marketing company that has done exceptionally well in the dental space. We hope to have the completed integration with them released by the end of the year and will be able to offer a unique way to promote the orthodontic practice on the web. We continue to add integrations with many of our third-party partners, and we have several cool new features we hope to have completed soon. Some of these include a patient rewards system, patient self-scheduling, advanced consultant reports, and a patient-compliance module.