The third International Congress on 3D Dental Imaging, held in Chicago this year, had a record-breaking number of attendees. The 2-day Congress, sponsored by Imaging Sciences International and Gendex Dental Systems, featured lectures and discussions to allow interaction between participants and speakers. Many speakers emphasized the importance of 3D dental imaging to dentistry and orthodontics.
“I’m big on technology because the right technology can have a tremendous impact on your patients,” said speaker John Flucke, DDS, from Lee’s Summit, Mo, in a wrap-up of the congress.
“Staying aware of the latest innovations in our field by attending conferences such as this event—the 3D Congress—taking CE classes, and reading dental journals are just a few ways that we can gain insight into groundbreaking technologies to better serve our patients,” said Walter Chitwood, DDS, of Murfreesboro, Tenn, during his presentation, “Creating Better Communication with Technology.”
The fourth International Congress on 3D Dental Imaging is slated for June 25-26, 2010, in La Jolla, Calif.
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