Summary: Roland DGA’s DGShape Americas introduced the 3DX Dental 3D Printer Bundle, an all-inclusive solution designed for in-house production of dental products. Featuring 4K LCD 3D printing and open-architecture compatibility with various resins, it provides dental businesses with the tools for 3D printing.

Key Takeaways:

  • Comprehensive Solution: The 3DX Bundle includes a 3D printer, cleaning and curing systems, and design software, streamlining the in-house production of dental products.
  • Advanced 3D Printing Technology: Equipped with 4K LCD 3D print technology, it provides efficient printing of dental models with high precision and compatibility with various resins, according to the company.

Roland DGA’s DGShape Americas dental business group announced the addition of the 3DX Dental 3D Printer Bundle, to its line of dental products and accessories.

In-House Production

The bundle offers a full-service 3D printing solution with Roland DGA’s customer service and support. With the 3DX bundle, dental businesses can produce a wide variety of products in-house, including dental models, dentures, provisional crowns and bridges, occlusal guards, surgical guides, custom clear retainers, and removable die fits.

The 3DX bundle was created to complement DGShape DWX wet and dry dental milling solutions. Its 3DXPrint 3D printer incorporates 4K LCD 3D print technology to produce 3D-printed dental applications with a smaller footprint for dental laboratories and clinical offices of all sizes.

3DX Bundle Features

Within its compact housing, the 3DXPrint features a 190 x 120 x 180 mm build plate that offers a 40-square-inch surface, allowing users to print up to 8 full-arches at one time. Its print speed ranges from 10 mm to 50 mm per hour, depending on material layer thickness. In addition, its open-architecture platform is validated for use with resins from over 20 resin manufactures and more than 150 resins.

It also features an automated cooling system (ACS) for ideal temperature maintenance.

The 3DX bundle comes complete with the 3DXPrint 4K LCD 3D printer, 3DXWash cleaning system, 3DXCure curing system, and 3DXModel resin. In addition, it includes 3DXWorks CAD design and slicing software.

“We are excited to offer this fast, precise, and affordable 3D printing solution to our customers,” said Lisa Aguirre, Roland DGA dental marketing manager . “The 3DX bundle is a complete, advanced, easy-to-use 3D printing solution that perfectly complements our high-performance DWX milling machines. By integrating its capabilities into their workflows, businesses can optimize their production and offer same-day applications with outstanding uniformity and accuracy.”