Oakstone Publishing introduces "Pearls for Treatment Planning with Interdisciplinary Patients," a CD narrated by Brody J. Hildebrand, DDS, assistant professor with Baylor University College of Dentistry. The CD is filled with specific strategies for reducing headaches and improving results with IDT patients. Hildebrand offers 15 targeted ways to ensure success and minimize common problems with IDT.
Topics include the following:
• How to get the IDT team working together;
• tips for preplanning and coordinating overlap in treatments;
• how to make sure all doctors are presenting a consistent message to the patient;
• how to effectively manage patient expectations;
• why success may depend on how well you plant the seeds for additional treatment after the orthodontic phase;
• what constitutes truly informed consent with IDT patients;
• how to avoid excessive treatment times and frustrating delays;
• why inadequate communication among dentists can jeopardize treatment and even give rise to a lawsuit;
• how to discuss grafting with patients without scaring them off;
• why you should implement a "refer back early" philosophy;
• the importance and timing of pre-debond consultations; and
• how effective IDT coordination can increase referrals to your practice.
For more information or to order, call (800) 633-4743.