The Organization for Safety and Asepsis Procedures (OSAP) Annapolis, Md, has created the OSAP Dental Safety Mall as a source for dental professionals to find solutions to their infection control and safety challenges. The Dental Safety Mall offers visitors current information and compliance tools, some in downloadable formats. The materials are constantly updated and new resources added.
The Online mall features storefronts such as a bookstore, travel agency, novelty store, and an outlet, in addition to a Consultants Plaza, Educators Plaza, and Patient Depot. The OSAP Dental Safety Mall provides a shopping cart function and allows online payment for purchases. Shoppers can choose from training tools such as the popular “If Saliva Were Red” DVD, handwashing and latex allergy charts, CE programs, materials for educators and trainers, and patient educational materials.
OSAP is seeking additional recommendations for the Dental Safety Mall.