Summary: Ormco Corp introduced its Spark On-Demand program, offering doctors a flexible and economical option to purchase Spark Aligners and Prezurv Plus Retainers without subscription commitments.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Spark On-Demand program allows orthodontists to order any quantity of aligners and retainers they need, without requiring a subscription or volume commitment.
  • Ormco Corp emphasizes the affordability and flexibility of the program, aiming to support orthodontists in growing their practices.
  • The Prezurv Plus Retainers, included in the program, utilize TruGEN Technology for sustained retention and prevention of relapse, and are available in scalloped and straight trim options.

    Ormco Corp announced the launch of its Spark On-Demand program, which enables doctors to order any number of Spark Aligners and Prezurv Plus Retainers with, what the company calls, “a simple, economical, no-subscription pricing structure.”

    “This unique program will further our doctors’ ability to grow their practices by offering an affordable and flexible option to purchase aligners and retainers for orthodontic treatment and ongoing retention without committing to a certain volume,” said Eric Conley, president of Ormco.“We are committed to providing doctors flexibility and choice, both clinically and in how they purchase our products. This solution gives doctors the ability to select the aligner or retainer treatment that makes the most sense for their patients and their practice. It provides an option to purchase what they need when they need it.”

    As the company explains, Spark On-Demand for Doctors provides customers with flexibility to purchase the exact quantity of aligner trays and retainers needed. In addition, there is not subscription or volume commitment needed. According to a press release from the company, the aligners are competitively prices and give doctors the ability to select between Spark aligner products. 

    To order Spark On-Demand aligner trays or retainers, doctors follow the Spark Aligner workflow through the Spark DTX Portal. 

    Prezurv Plus Retainers feature TruGEN Technology, the same technology used in Spark Clear Aligners. Available in both scalloped and straight trim, the Prezurv product line reportedly is made with a rigid, thicker material designed to sustain retention and prevent relapse. 

    Spark On-Demand will be available to Spark providers in the United States starting on May 5, 2024.