Orthodontic Treatment for the Class II Non-compliant Patient: Current Principles and Techniques is a thorough presentation and discussion of the currently available noncompliance appliances. According to the author, Moschos A. Papadopolous, DDS, Dr Med Dent, "The aim of this book was to cover the subject of noncompliance Class II orthodontic treatment in a comprehensive and critical way, presenting the principles and techniques of the most important currently available noncompliance appliances used for the treatment of Class II malocclusion, while focusing on their clinical management and effectiveness."
The book is divided into five sections, starting from the problem of compliance (Section I), describing several intermaxillary appliances (Section II), intramaxillary distalization appliances (Section III), intramaxillary appliances with absolute anchorage (Section IV), and closing with the evidence-based knowledge on the efficacy of these appliances (Section V).
Papadopoulos is an associate professor and postgraduate program coordinator at the Department of Orthodontics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and editor of the Hellenic Orthodontic Review, the scientific journal of the Greek Orthodontic Society. He has published more than 75 scientific articles, chapters, and books, and has presented more than 170 lectures, seminars, and papers in many countries around the world. He can be reached here, and his book can be ordered here.