DDS Lab, Tampa, Fla, now offers Fierce mouthguards. They are available in more than 27 colors and designs. Individually designed and fabricated, Fierce mouthguards offer protection from a myriad of dental injuries and complications occurring from sports, including lip, cheek, and chin lacerations; broken teeth; displaced teeth; fractures of the facial bones; and Injury to the jaw joints.
Fierce Mouthguards offer six different levels of protection:
Level 1 is 3 mm with one layer, and is designed for children with mixed dentition.
Level 2 is 3 mm with two layers and is designed for wrestling, volleyball, mountain biking, and motocross.
Level 3 is 3.5 mm with two soft layers and one hard layer, and is intended to provide maximum comfort and protection for all sports.
Level 4 is 5 mm with two layers, and is made for soccer, rugby, basketball, softball, rollerblading, and skateboarding.
Level 5 is 5 mm with two layers and special power bands, and is designed for baseball, football, racquetball, martial arts, and boxing.
Level 6 is 5 mm with two soft layers and one hard layer, and is made for ice, field, and street hockey, along with kickboxing and other heavy-contact sports.
For more information on this and other orthodontic companies, visit our Buyer’s Guide.