Lester A. Dine Inc, Palm Beach Gardens, Fla, now offers the Canon EOS Rebel XSI as a dental camera kit. The Canon XSI provides a live video preview of the photographic subject, helping to center the dental subject and ascertain focus prior to taking a picture. The video screen also allows users to review images after they are taken.

The Dine/Canon XSI System features the Dine ring flash for intraoral photography, plus an adjustable point flash for facial photography and descriptive anterior and lateral photography. Dine’s Macro Ring and Point Flash is designed specifically for dentistry and meters the dental subject through the lens (TTL), providing consistent subject illumination. 

The kit includes a 105-mm macro lens with Dine’s dental standardization guide. This guide features graphic indications of the ideal lens setting for all of the most popular dental photography subjects, as well as recommended f:stops. All Dine Dental Kits include lifetime telephone support and written setup and use instructions. Complete kits also include an intraoral mirror, cheek retractors, a dental contrastor, a 1GB memory card, a memory card reader, a battery, and a charger. Dine Digital Dental SLR kit pricing starts at $1,750.

For more information, call Lester A. Dine Inc at (800) 624-9103.