A recent survey commissioned by the Oral Health America (OHA of Chicago) and conducted by content researcher, Harris Poll, revealed that older, low-income adults have multiple risk factors when it comes to oral health, including being less likely to do daily care activities, such as brushing. The survey also found that these individuals are less likely to live near an affordable grocery store.
OHA reports that it is working with Midmark Corp, Dayton, Ohio, to fight these troubling statistics through this year’s “Fall for Smiles” campaign, which encourages all Americans to care for their mouths through daily brushing, flossing and rinsing, regular dental visits, eating a healthy diet, and avoiding tobacco.
“Midmark is pleased to support the ‘Fall for Smiles’ initiative for the fifth consecutive year. Through the partnership with OHA, and other impactful organizations, Midmark is excited about this wonderful opportunity [for] further education on the importance of developing healthy dental habits,” said Eric Shirley, vice president and general manager for Midmark Corp.