Orthodontists often encounter the dilemma of correcting unilateralposterior crossbites. While many posterior crossbites manifestclinically as unilaterals, they are, in fact, end-on bilateralcrossbites and require different manipulation than the true unilateralcrossbite. When viewed in centric relation, the true unilateralposterior crossbite (TUPXB) will display a normal non-crossbite side anda maxillary-mandibular relationship that should remain the same afterthe unilateral correction. When clinicians use an ordinary rapid palatalexpander (RPE) to correct a TUPXB, they must typically use crosselastics on the non-crossbite side to properly arrange the occlusion.

If orthodontists could somehow stabilize the non-crossbite side whenusing RPEs, the correction would proceed more quickly and predictably.This article illustrates a procedure that solves this perennial problemand eliminates the need for posterior cross elastics.

To read the rest of this article from the July 2012 issue of Orthodontic Products, click here.