Hu-Friedy, Chicago, introduces an occlusal surface crown remover. Designed by Ronald Goldstein, DDS, the Goldstein Occlusal Surface Crown Remover is used for the removal of crowns and onlays through a mesio-distal cut on the occlusal surface, reducing the risk of dentition destruction seen with buccal surface crown removers.
With more and more onlays and crowns being cemented with resin modified glassionimer cements, which make it difficult to torque from the buccal surface, this handcrafted, surgical stainless steel crown remover provides the access requirements needed for the removal of crowns and onlays though a clean, even occlusal separation. The 90o shank angle provides access and adaptability for both maxillary and mandibular posterior areas.
For more information, please contact Hu-Friedy at (800) HU-FRIEDY.