Interfathom, New York, has launched TaskMerlin 3.0, a Windows-based task management tool. TaskMerlin allows orthodontists and office staff to organize notes, tasks, and schedules, and share them with colleagues.
TaskMerlin can be used by project and management teams for collaboration, and workers who follow David Allen’s "Getting Things Done" workflow methodology.
TaskMerlin 3.0 features a new calendar that allows users to create a new appointment with a single click or keystroke. Users can also add reminders to any task or appointment, and reschedule appointments by dragging and dropping them. The calendar is integrated with Microsoft Outlook.
TaskMerlin also features multi-person, multi-year project management; a built-in editor; and the ability to add hyperlinks to related tasks and web pages. All information is searchable and can be sorted and filtered. In the Professional Edition, each user has his or her own password, e-mail settings, popup reminders, filter definitions, and display options.
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