MacPractice,Lincoln, Neb, has introduced its iPad Interface with ePrescribe. TheWeb app provides remote and network communication from the iPad to anorthodontic office that uses MacPractice MD, MacPractice 20/20,MacPractice DDS, or MacPractice DC.
The MacPractice iPad Interface with ePrescribe allows orthodontists tocreate new patient records in MacPractice from the iPad and postprocedures and diagnosis from outside the office or in an exam room. Inaddition, users can review daily practice activity reports from outsidethe office, send reminders and notes between the office staff and theorthodontist, and e-mail patients and referring providers.
MacPractice allows users to view their office schedule as well aspatient photos and demographic information. Orthodontists and officestaff can review and record patients’ vital statistics and chronicdiagnoses, and review prescription history and allergies when seeing apatient as well.
MacPractice ePrescribe for iPad allows MacPractice users to have all thesame capabilities of ePrescribe for MacPractice on the desktop in theiroffice.
For more information on this and other orthodontic companies, visit our Buyer’s Guide.