OraMetrix, Richardson, Tex, has been ranked #2,003 overall and #163 in the health sector in Inc. magazine’s 29th annual Inc. 500/5000 list,a ranking of the nation’s fastest-growing private companies. OraMetrix,maker of the SureSmile system, had 127% sales growth between 2007 and2010, with annual revenue of $22.1 million in 2010.
The companies on this year’s list report having created 350,000 jobsin the past 3 years, and aggregate revenue among the honorees reached$366 billion, up 14% from last year.
“We are thrilled to be included with so many great innovators andsuccessful entrepreneurial ventures,” said Charles Abraham, presidentand CEO of OraMetrix. “It has been our goal for our partnerorthodontists to achieve optimal patient care using the SureSmiletechnology, and I believe our growth is evidence of their continuedsuccess toward that goal.”
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