William R. Hyman, DDS, and his wife Nancy Hyman, an orthodontic practice growth consultant, invite you and your staff members to attend a 1-day seminar to learn marketing tools, referral systems, and operations improvement techniques. The event will take place in Montebello, Calif, on October 17, 2008, from 9 AM to 4 PM
At the event, Nancy Hyman will discuss how she increased her husband’s practice revenue fivefold and how she increased the number of his new patients from 255 to more than 650–700 per year. Attendees will also learn:
• 10 marketing strategies to generate professional referrals;
• five patient strategies that make them market your practice for you;
• an 18-point plan to achieve a higher percentage of practice starts;
• goal-setting for new-patient starts and how to meet and exceed them;
• front-office strategies that provide the optimum patient experience;
• actions that keep your practice "top-of-mind" with professional referrers; and
• analysis of your current marketing and advertising efforts.
As an added bonus, all attendees will receive a workbook and CD-ROM with samples of all suggested strategies.
The fee for the seminar is $395 for first person and $295 for each additional person.
To reserve your seat, email [email protected] or call (323) 308-9817.
For more information, visit orthoreferralsystems.com.
[Orthodontic Referral Systems, September 25, 2008]