Lee Elliott Enterprise LLC,Houston, has launched a new online marketing service for orthodonticoffices. The service, which is tied to Google Maps and Google Places,provides local online marketing for orthodontic offices.
Google launched Place pages for Google Maps last year. These local mapsprovide targeted information for users on local products and servicesbased on their searches. Smart phone GPS applications also are startingto utilize Google Maps Place pages.
According to the company, the service helps generate new patient leadsand will help push orthodontists’ Web pages to page 1 of Googlerankings. In fact, it guarantees that its customers’ listings willappear on page 1 of Google Maps, or the company will provide a fullrefund.
One of the cofounders of the service is Sonny Elliott, who has beeninvolved in the orthodontic community since 1984. He co-founded theseminar company Quest for Orthodontics and also cofounded OmegaOrthodontics, a publicly traded company. He spent many years providingin-house consulting, appearing on national programs, and authoringpractice-management works.
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